Realistic Eating & Active Lifestyle Partnerships and Supporters
Marin County, California
Kia Sanford MS
Clinical Nutritionist and Counselor
Martin Rossman MD LAc
Marin Integrative Medicine & Five Elements Acupuncture
Ann Hathaway MD
Cognitive Decline Prevention & Bredesen Protocol
Jonathan Smith DC
Chiropractic & CranioSacral
David Kitts LAc
Acupuncture & Energy Medicine
Cheryl Fromholzer
Gathering Thyme Herbal Dispensary owner & Western Herbalist
April Blake ND
Naturopathic Medicine & CranioSacral Therapy
Michael Westgate LMS
Trigger Point & Neurokinetic Therapies
Julie A. Griffith, MD, MS, CMT
Integrative Medical & Chronic Neurological Care
Clare Cattarin FNP
Functional Primary Care
Janet Latoures LCSW
Clinical Social Work/Therapist
Sarah Fink LAc
Ginger Root Wellness
Jennifer Clemons ND, LAc
Empowering Healing through science, education and food
Deborah Gordon MD
Homeopathic Physician & Bredesen Protocol Practitioner
Judith Sanford BA LMT CST
Cranio-sacral work, Biovalent Systems, Lymph Drainage
Jordan Weeda DC
NUCCA technique
Kristin Piacitelli MS LAc
Good Medicine Acupuncture & Herbs
Ashland Food Co-Op
Community classes & healthy food
Richmond, Virginia
Lisa C. Smith LAc DOM
Health Offerings, Inc - Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine